It started with the idea (pre- Home renovation I might add) that we should have a girls day. I live in the boonies, and don't get to see my friends a whole heck of a lot, and yes we chat on the phone, but there is always a TV going, a husband asking questions, ect. I wanted to get away, and relax and most important, gossip.
We decided to visit Le Scandinave
Its beautiful!!!
My Day started bright and early at 6am. As i mentioned we are doing a little renovating on our main floor, so I had to get up and make sure the house was decent, not to mention i needed to pack (robe, flip flops..ect). Then at 7:15 the phone rings, its J9...she took a left turn into somewhere and was heading the WRONG direction. So i got out the trusty map...and she was good to go. She must have been flying cause she still made it here with 2 mins to spare...Glad i was driving to the spa. So after a few rather pungent manure episodes and 1 winning roll up the rim later, we were there

We arrive, change into our suits, get our robes, and off we go! There are 3 hot tub pools, 3 cold plunge pools (also known as the torture pools), 2 outdoor firepits, 1 Eucalyptus steam bath, 1 Finnish Sauna, and lots of chairs to relax.

We decided from the get go, hey, If we are driving all that way, might as well making a day out of it. A spa package it is. Lunch, all-day access to the pools, 60 min massage, and a stainless steel water bottle....fab!. WRONG...jerks didn't have any waterbottles..I will eventually get over it. a
Ham and cheese sandwhich on a ciabatta triangle with your choice of salad...Salad...not a lettice salad. there was beet salad, cucumber and tomato salad (yum! thats what i chose), 3 different kinds of bean salad (probably not a good plan) and BRUSSEL SPROUT and balsamic salad...oh my goodness. This is what J9 choose. Ok, Brussel Sprouts on their own, not that appealing, but add a tangy vinegar that makes them brown, not exactly the best combo. She wouldn't even touch it. Ok..that enough, about lunch..EXCEPT!... when you go to a random spa, in the middle of no-where (especially one that is 4 hours from your hometown) you don't expect to see 5 girls you went to Highschool with there. No we didn't say Hi, bitchy i know, but they weren't people i talked to then, not about to start now.
1:15pm- Massage time!! I was personally looking forward to this. J9 was dreading the fact that she was about to get man handled...possibly by a man...But its on her list...too bad! And Man-handled she was...but the hottest massage therapist i have ever seen. All she said was " Glad i wasn't a guy, if i had a boner there was no way to hide it"
We spend a few more hours, hoot pool, torture plunge, steam, relax. and avoiding the "shh" police. On the way back to the changeroom the "shh" police are now conversing (quietly of course) at the door. No talking allowed...hello! you better believe i shushed the shhh police and won!
After a quick dinner and one car dance party it was time to head home. Hot husband has now been alone all day, and up to who knows what.
this is how the ride home went
J9:"WALTER'S FALLS"!!!! Lets go..."
Kim: "is there even falls there"
J9: "I dunno"
Kim: "call hot husband"
J9: "hey hot husband, whats in Walters falls"
Hot Husband: "what am i a tour guide"
J9: "yup"
a few random side roads later and one "oh Kimberley"

we were there!
picture, picture, picture.
J9: "thats it"
Kim: "um, its loud over there, lets go look"
j9: "OH, theres the falls!!"
Picture, picture, picture, a few random sideroads and one CRAZY STEEP one later "they should have a porta potty at the bottom from when you crap your pants"
we were home...adventures with J9...done, and I lived to blog about it....until next year!
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