Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bucket Lists

The Bucket List - The list of things you want to do before you die....hmmm

So lately, my life has been filled with conflict(told you i was usually mid-crisis), mostly internally on how to deal with an outer conflict (a huge one) that has been plagueing me for what seems like forever. This UGLY conflict (a family issue..middle child symdrom maybe?) actually came to a head 2 weeks ago. I have been getting increasingly worked up about this, and more and more my WONDERFUL (love you honey) husband (from now on refered to as Jobo) has been telling me "just relax, focus on what really matters" or some form of the same message.

I got to thinking about this...what does really matter?

Family...of course, they will always be #1. Friends...yup, any good true friend would bail you out of jail just like a family member would (either that or be sitting right next to you in the slammer...cough...J9.. cough), so I think that friends and family should be one catagory...but what else? Maybe i should rent the movie?

So while sitting at the computer, trying to think of the answer..or at least something to write and listening to the wind blowing outside, no i am not being all romantically discriptive, its just really windy outside, I just realized.... wait..I just had it...seriously

Ugh, My mind is moving way to fast for me to type or maybe that wasn't the answer.
I am thinking that my Bucket List is something thats going to take longer then 30 mins to compose. Maybe this weekend I should think about this. J9 and I are heading to Blue Montain to the spa, I think this would be a great place to reflect on my Bucket List. Although, adventures with J9 (she needs her own reality show..seriously) can get interesting.

I guess stay tuned, find out what I come up with...

1 comment:

  1. I've asked my boss to be our 'bail out' person and have gotten an advance approved for bail if we need it :) CAN'T WAIT.
